Video library

We've gathered a number of videos which will provide you with information about special education needs and disability support.
- What is an Information, Advice and Support Service
- IASS video for parents
- IASS video for children and young people
- How must IASS be run to meet the minimum standards
- What is an Education, Health and Social Care plan and who is it for
- The Education Health and Social Care Plan Annual Review
- Appeals to the SEND Tribunal
- The Local Offer
- Starting school with SEND - BBC Bitesize Guide for Parents
What is an Information, Advice and Support Service
IASS video for parents
IASS video for children and young people
How must IASS be run to meet the minimum standards
What is an Education Health and Social Care plan and who is it for
The Education Health and Social Care Plan Annual Review
Appeals to the SEND Tribunal
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
Chapter 2 - Who's who at the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
Chapter 4 - Hearings at the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
Chapter 5 - what is a tribunal really like?
Chapter 6 - FAQs for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
The Local Offer